
  • June 3rd, 2021
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You may heard of the story of the turtle and rabbit race. as per that slow and steady might have helped the turtle to win a race, but when it comes to website one second also most precious to increase credibility, visibility in google’s eyes, and website traffic.

Loading speed of a website is a very crucial google factor in search engine ranking. If we fail to make the website loading in seconds they we loss customers and google trust ultimately it will end up with ranking lower in search engine.

But improving website speed is not that difficult while developing a website we should be careful with some of the steps we take.

  • 40% of people abandon a website that takes more than 3 seconds to load.
  • There is a chance of losing 7% of conversions by delay in website by one second
  • If the website loading is slow 73% of mobile users will close the website

Why you should increase your website speed?

whyloadingspeedisslow infographics 1

Keeping these things in mind, lets go through what the reason website is running slow?